Things you will need:
* a Yule log
* a white candle, a red candle, and a black candle
* candle holders for the three candles
* a plate of bread and butter
* birdseed and sunflower seeds
* an apple
* a small bell
* several cookies in the shape of snowflakes or suns
* juice or wine
* a medium-sized bowl
* mood music (optional)
* any solstice decorations for your altar (optional)
Place all of your items on the altar, grouping the three candles together and making sure you have a place to burn your Yule log, either in a fireplace or fire pit. Standing in front of your altar, ground and center as you usually do. Walk to the east and, with your arms extended, say:
“Hail to the Guardians of the East, Powers of Air!
I ask for your light and warming breath
On this most sacred of nights, Solstice Eve.”
Once you feel the presence of the knowledge of the east and the freedom of air, move to the south, extend your arms, and say:
“Hail to the Guardians of the South, Powers of Fire!
I ask for your heat and burning love
On this most sacred of nights, Solstice Eve.”
Noting the warmth of the south and the heat of fire, move to the west, extend your arms, and say:
“Hail to the Guardians of the West, Powers of Water!
I ask for your depth and fluid emotions
On this most sacred of nights, Solstice Eve.”
Feel the emotions of the west and the wetness of water on your face and in your heart. Then walk to the north, extend your arms, and say:
“Hail to the Guardians of the North, Powers of Earth!
I ask for your strength and sturdy comfort
On this most sacred of nights, Solstice Eve.”
Sense the power of the north and the strength of earth and return to your altar. Take a few moments to conjure up an image of the young Maiden Goddess and then say:
“Maiden Goddess,
Protectress of youth and innocence,
Sweet and pure and lovely above all things,
Join me this Solstice Night.
The God is reborn;
The sun returns.
The Maiden Goddess comes and walks among us!
Hail and welcome!”
Feel the innocence and beauty of the Maiden settle at your feet and in the palms of your ahnds. Then light the white candle. Breathe deeply three times, allowing an image of the nurturing Mother Goddess to flood your mind. When the image is complete, say:
“Mother Goddess,
Protectress of babies and animals,
Creative and giving and lovely above all things,
Join me this Solstice Night.
The God is reborn;
The sun returns.
The Mother Goddess comes and walks among us!
Hail and welcome!”
Sense the fruitfulness and creativity of the Mother settle in your womb/belly and heart. Then light the red candle. Again, take three deep breaths, seeing the image of the knowing Crone Goddess in your mind’s eye. Once the picture is finished, say:
“Crone Goddess,
Protectress of light and death,
Wise and powerful and lovely above all things,
Join me this Solstice Night.
The God is reborn;
The sun returns.
The Crone Goddess comes and walks among us!
Hail and welcome!”
Feel the wisdom and clarity of the Crone settle in your third eye, and then light the black candle. Take your bread and butter from the altar and hold them above the three candles while stating:
“On this, the longest night of the year, I celebrate and revel in my connection to the faerie folk. I offer bread and butter to them as a symbol of my wish to continue as friends. In honour, in trust, in fun, and in frolic, I pay homage to their spark of life.”
If inside, place the bread and butter back on the altar so that you can dispose of them outside after the ritual. If you are outside, place the offering anyplace that feels right to you. Take the birdseed and sunflower seeds from the altar and hold them above the three candles, saying:
“On this, the longest night of the year, I celebrate and revel in my connection to the animals on earth. I offer birdseed and sunflower seeds to them as a symbol of my wish to continue as friends. In honour, in trust, in hope, and in faith, I pay homage to their spark of life.”
Place the gifts to the animals either back on the altar or, if outside, someplace on the ground. Lift the apple from the altar and hold it above the three candles, stating:
“On this, the longest night of the year, I celebrate and revel in my connection to the priests/priestesses who have gone before me. I offer the fruit of life, the apple, to them as a symbol of my wish to continue as friends and to learn and grow from their example. In honour, in trust, in love, and in commitment, I pay homage to their spark of life.”
Return the apple to the altar or, if outside, place it on the ground. With reverence, pick up the Yule log and hold it up to the sky while saying:
“Since the beginnings of time, people of the earth have gathered in this season to celebrate the rebirth of the Sun. On the winter solstice, the darkest of nights, the Goddess becomes the Great Mother, and once again gives birth to the Sun - beginning the yearly cycle anew, bringing new light and hope to all the world. On this, the longest night of winter, the spark of hope flares strong and bright. It is the Sacred Fire, the Light of the World. I gather here to welcome the new light, midwife to the Goddess. As I join the Goddess in birthing the renewed Sun, I also welcome the new light within myself.”
Place the Yule log back on the altar. Keeping one hand on the log, ring a small bell with the other hand after each of the next four lines:
“Blessed be the Lady, giver of life!
Welcome, Lord, bringer of warmth!
Tonight darkness has reached the limit of its power.
Now the light of our God is victorious over darkness!”
Take your Yule log and bring it to your fireplace or fire pit. If you have a fire already going, then place the log in the flames. If you need to start one, wait to add the Yule log until the fire is very hot and bright. Once the Yule log has caught fire, exclaim:
“I light this flame for the infant solstice sun,
The light of hope that pierces the winter darkness.
He arises pure and beautiful
From the depths of the Mother’s womb,
Bringing warmth and love and joy.
May his gifts spread hope throughout the world!”
The Sun King will be reborn this night, returning to the world in brilliance and glory. As the Goddess’s helper on earth, aid his passage through her and back to the world by chanting:
“Hoof and Horn
Hoof and Horn
All that Dies
Will be Reborn.
Corn and Grain
Corn and Grain
All that Falls
Will Rise Again.”
Say this chant over and over again in order to raise power and activate the magick. You should go faster and faster with each round. You may wish to drum and/or dance around the fire as well, or play music. Once the power has reached its apex, place your hands over the fire, sending the power to the birthing Mother and the newborn God, and say:
“Tonight our God is reborn!”
Feel the energy pulse into the fire, and when your fingers stop tingling, return to your altar. Take the place of cookies and hold them over the candles and then over the fire.
“As the Mother births the Son, I toast her power and strength with food. Hail the Mother, giver of life!”
Place a bite of food in the libation bowl and feel free to eat some yourself. Then return the cookies to the altar and pick up the juice or wine. Once again, hold it over the three candles and the roaring fire.
“As the Mother births the Son, I toast her power and strength with drink. Hail the Mother, giver of life!”
Pour a small amount of drink in the libation bowl and drink some yourself. Then return the juice or wine to the altar. After you have savoured your food and drink, turn to your altar. Calling up the image of the Maiden Goddess, state:
“Maiden Goddess,
Protectress of youth and innocence,
Sweet and pure and lovely above all things,
Thank you for joining me this Solstice Night.
The God is reborn;
The Sun return,
Hail and farewell!”
Snuff out the white candle. Thinking of the image of the Mother Goddess, say:
“Mother Goddess,
Protectress of babies and animals,
Creative and giving and lovely above all things,
Thank you for joining me this Solstice Night.
The God is reborn;
The Sun return,
Hail and farewell!”
Snuff out the red candle. Recalling the image of the Crone Goddess, say:
“Crone Goddess,
Protectress of life and death,
Wise and powerful and lovely above all things,
Thank you for joining me this Solstice Night.
The God is reborn;
The Sun return,
Hail and farewell!”
Snuff out the black candle, turn to the direction of the north, and say:
“Guardians of the North, Powers of Earth!
Your presence this night has anchored and strengthen me.
I thank you for your many blessings.
Stay if you will, go if you must.
Hail and farewell!”
Turn to the direction of the west, and say:
“Guardians of the West, Powers of Water!
Your presence this night has soothed and cradled me,
Connecting me to my first home - the sea.
I thank you for your many blessings.
Stay if you will, go if you must.
Hail and farewell!”
Turn in the direction of the south, and say:
“Guardians of the South, Powers of Fire!
Your presence this night has opened my heart to life and to love.
I thank you for your many blessings.
Stay if you will, go if you must.
Hail and farewell!”
Turn to the east and say:
“Guardians of the East, Powers of Air!
Your presence this night has brought the first stirrings of the new Sun.
I thank you for your many blessings.
Stay if you will, go if you must.
Hail and farewell!”
Turn back to your altar, and say:
“Blessed be the Goddess and God.
Blessed be creation.
Blessed be the darkness.
Blessed be the light!”