Monday, January 12, 2009

The Wolf Moon (January)

The Full Moon rises in January while the wild Winter wind howls. Like the wolves that stalked early villages, it prowls and growls, hungry and hunting, this Moon of deepest Winter. Inside, gather close to the warmth of hearth and home. Draw a cloak of protection and strength around you, and journey within. Let the darkness of the season shelter your plan and dreams. Inner visions appear, spurring us to plan what we will plant, for ahead lies the fertile cycle. Both in the spirit world and within the earth new life gathers its energies, preparing. Take time for quiet contemplation of what is to come. Focus on preparation and protection in the privacy of loved ones, for strength grows in the quiet times as we are readied for the season ahead.

“Snow Moon, Cold Moon,
Quiet Moon abide,
Let protection and strength grow inside.
Inanna, Sarasvati, Hera and Sinn,
Sew new beginnings deep within.”

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