Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Lesson: Ball of Energy

1) Hold your hands, palms facing, about 6 inches apart. Imagine you are holding a ball of energy. At first this ball is like an empty bowl, a shell, but you are filling it with the energy between your hands.

2) As you breathe out, imagine that you are blowing out energy, exhaling from your mouth, and also “exhaling” from your palms. This energy helps fill the ball. Feel it fill up. Intend to make the ball thicker and more solid. At first this will feel like you are playing pretend and making it up, but such play-acting is the way energy responds to our thoughts. By acting as if the energy is changing, it does.

3) Once you have a “solid” ball of energy floating between your hands, you can literally play with it. You can make it smaller and more dense. You can stretch it out like taffy. Discover how mutable energy can be, responding to your intent and commands.

4) When done, bring your hands together and imagine you are absorbing the energy. Then wipe off your hands to remove any excess.

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