Thursday, February 12, 2009

Meditation: The Pentagram of Pearl

Ground and center. In your Book of Shadows, draw a pentacle with interlocking lines and label the points, in order, clockwise: Love, Wisdom, Knowledge, Law, and Power.

Love is the moving energy of life. It is both blindly erotic and deeply personal, a passionate, prideful, powerful caring for oneself and others. It is the law of the Goddess and the essence of magick.

Wisdom and Knowledge can best be understood together. Knowledge is learning, the power of the mind to understand and describe the universe. Wisdom is knowing how to apply knowledge - and how not to apply it. Knowledge gives answers; wisdom asks questions. Knowledge can be taught; wisdom grows out of experience, out of making mistakes.

Law is natural law, not human law. When we break natural laws, we suffer the consequences as a natural result of our actions, not as a punishment. If you break the law of gravity, you will fall. Magick functions within natural law, not outside of it. But natural law may be broader and more complex than we realize.

Power, again, is the power that comes from within, when love, knowledge, law, and wisdom, brings growth and healing.

Meditate on the points and the links between them. Lie in the pentacle position, feel the points as part of yourself, and become aware of your own imbalances. Absorb the beauty of the Pentagram of Pearl.

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